Stockton Country Parish is a Team Parish comprising of the parish churches of Redmarshall, Stillington, Grindon, Bishopton and Great Stainton. Each village has its own beautiful church, with many interesting historical features and architecture to admire.

Within the Parish sits Wynyard Hall containing a chapel that is hugely popular for weddings.

Coming at the end of 2020 is a hugely exciting project to plan a new church into Wynyard!

Service Times:

Sunday Services

First Sunday Cross Factor, family service, St John’s Stillington 10.00am

Second Sunday Joint Parish Holy Communion, St James’ Thorpe Thewles 10.30am

Third Sunday Joint Parish Holy Communion, St Cuthbert’s Redmarshall, 9.00am

Evening Service, Wynyard Chapel, 5pm

Fourth Sunday Joint Parish Holy Communion, StPeter’s Bishopton, 10.30am

Mid week Services

Every Wednesday Celtic Communion, St Cuthbert’s Redmarshall 12 noon

What they do well:

Ministry in rural villages can be difficult; Stockton Country Parish has a heart for every person in each village to hear the gospel and seeks to serve those around them.


Priest in Charge: Rev. Claire Gibbs